Sunday, 30th May 2010
74.48 miles, total climb 1,420ft, average speed 14.6mph
Despite this being SPF ride number two, it was actually my first of the season and how happy am I that Neile has started his ‘SPF’ rides again. Participating in these rides was amongst the most fun I had on two wheels last year so it’s good to be back.
Anyway. I took a bump up this year and decided to ride with Michael as he rolls a B-18, and now I’m an A-sig grad I thought I’d make use of the added speed in my legs.
This was probably the flattest ride I’ll do all year and there were some particularly bad junk miles towards the start but thoughts of those were soon forgotten as we made it out to gorgeous parts of Queens and out into Long Island, spinning back through Long Beach.
It was great seeing familiar faces from 2009’s series and an absolute delight to ride with both Jess and Kim again. Also enjoyed meeting so many new faces who I hope I get to know better through the course of the year.
Nice one Neile and Michael, glad to have you back again.